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Guardian and Observer appeal tackles homelessness

December 13th, 2017

With its focus on youth homelessness and destitution amongst asylum seekers, this year's Guardian and Observer Christmas Charity Appeal launched on 8th December. We are delighted to work with them again to process readers' donations.

In England, homelessness and destitution are increasingly visible and distressing to many of us. The three charities being supported in this year's appeal do vital work in helping young homeless people and destitute asylum seekers survive and rebuild their lives.


Centrepointis one of the UK’s best known youth homelessness charities. It provides a safe place to live, together with health, education and employment advice and support to more than 9,000 16-25 year olds each year. 


Depaul UK runs the Nightstop network, a growing network of local services across the UK. It draws on a pool of volunteers who provide, often at short notice, a room for the night for homeless young people. 


The No Accommodation Network (Naccom) represents more than 40 charities and projects operating across the country. They specialise in providing shelter and support to destitute asylum seekers, refugees and migrants who have no recourse to public funds. 

This article has been reproduced from the Guardian website. Read the full article here >

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